Dried Blood Spot Processor (DBS)

Dried Blood Spot Processor (DBS)

The Dried Blood Spot Processor (DBS) automates the identification, punching and inserting of dried blood spot samples into a 96 well microplate, creating an accurate record on computer disk of the location of each sample. The dried blood spot puncher can be used for all tests which utilize a dried sample spot, including neonatal, HIV, tissue screening, and hemoglobin testing.

The Dried Spot Processor consists of an electrically activated DBS punch, a computer-controlled table to position the microplate, and two barcode scanners. It automatically links the sample identification with the plate location. The resulting work list or plate map can be printed out at the workcell, or networked onto your laboratory information system.

The dried blood spot puncher can be used in many medical applications, including:

  • HIV Testing
  • Neonatal Testing
  • A1C Hemoglobin Testing
  • Features
  • Easily creates an accurate plate map
  • Reduces carpal tunnel stress
  • Reduces exposure to potential biohazards
  • Faster processing of samples
  • 3 seconds to punch and reposition plate


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